Past Events

MCPF Penang attends CCPSS 2nd Anniversary Dinner at The Wembley Ballroom, Hotel St. Giles, George Town


MCPF Penang was represented by its Secretary JM Tan and all its District Liaison Committee Chairmen – Felix Chuah / Timur Laut, James Mohan / Barat Daya, Paramaguru Balan Moghan / SPS, Ridzuan Md Zain / SPT and Munusamy Muniandy / SPU) at Crime Conscientiousness Penang Safety Society (CCPSS) 2nd Orientation Night & Anniversary Celebration at The Wembley Ballroom, George Town on 7th October 2022. In attendance for CCPSS were Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah (Chairman), Dato’ Seah Kok Heng (Ambassador), Terrance Oo (Secretary), Musen Liew Ee Jin (Treasurer), Dato’ Khoo Boo Lin and their Members and Guests.