Past Events

MCPF Penang supports Stop Bullying Program by CCPSS & JPNPP at SMJK Chung Ling Pulau Pinang


MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng and Secretary Johnny Michael Tan represented MCPF Penang as invitees of Crime Conscientiousness Penang Safety Society who organized the Stop Bullying Program for Form 1 students of SMJK Chung Ling Pulau Pinang on 19th September 2022 in partnership with Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Invitees were hosted by Mr. Na Lean Hong, Headmaster of SMJK Chung Ling Pulau Pinang accompanied by their PTA Chairman and School Teachers. Other guests present included Y.Bhg. Datin Seri Dato’ Annie Chin (Honorary Consul Brazil & also Women’s Centre for Change (WCC) Penang Ambassador and L/Kpl Tuan Mohamad Said, representing PDRM, Balai Polis Kampong Bahru School Liaison Officer). Also present were the program Organizing Chairman Musen Liew Ee Jin (CCPSS Treasurer), Terrance Oo (CCPSS Secretary) and Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seah Kok Heng (CCPSS Ambassador). The Keynote Speaker Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah (Chairman, CCPSS) delivered a lively talk on Bullying touching on the 4 types of Bullying (Physical, Verbal, Social / Emotional and Cyber).