Past Events

MCPF Penang attends Crime Consciousness Penang Safety Society (CCPSS) “Travel Safe in Penang: Official Launch of SOS Mobile Application at St. Giles Ballroom, Wembley Hotel


MCPF Penang was amongst 50 NGOs invited to attend Crime Consciousness Penang Safety Society (CCPSS) “Travel Safe in Penang: Official Launch of SOS Mobile Application: at St. Giles Ballroom, Wembley Hotel on 12th August 2022. The Event was officiated by YB Yeoh Soon Hin Penang EXCO for Tourism and Creative Economy (PETAC). CCPSS organized this in collaboration with Fastlane Emergency Resources Group Sdn. Bhd. and the audience present were given a short overview of the SOS Fastlane Application with its key features (with and without subscription). MCPF Penang was represented by JM Tan (Secretary), Harikumar Katherasen (Treasurer), Felix Chuah (Timur Laut DLC Chairman), Munusamy Muniandy (SPU DLC Chairman) and Victor Lim Kok Hooi (Committee). Key learnings will be used by MCPF Penang’s Sub-Team for Mobile App and Crime Prevention (MACA) in its design and development.