Past Events

MCPF Barat Daya DLC holds its 3rd Meeting (2022) at Pusat Perkhidmatan Polis, FIZ Phase III, Bayan Lepas


MCPF SLC Member cum Barat Daya DLC Chairman James Mohan chaired its 3rd Meeting (2022) at the Free Industrial Zone (FIZ) PDRM Service Centre Meeting Room on 27th July 2022. Also in attendance were Jarmy Goh Jun Ming (Vice-Chairman [II]), Velayit Hussein bin Haja Mydin (Secretary), Ponnalagu a/l Arumugam (Treasurer), and Committee Members Nik Siti Nur Hafizah binti Nik Man, William Hoe Chin Khwan & Philip Vincent a/l Xavier. It was a productive meeting with the Team focusing on upcoming DLC Programs / Activities / Events from August 2022 till December 2022. All DLC Members present had the MCPF Penang (Grey) Shirt being handed out to them. Well done MCPF Barat Daya DLC.