Past Events

MCPF SPS DLC holds its 2022 2nd Meeting at IPD SPS


MCPF Penang Seberang Perai Selatan DLC held its 2nd Meeting for 2022 at the IPD SPS on 21st July 2022. MCPF SLC Member cum SPS DLC Chairman Paramaguru Balan Moghan chaired the meeting. In attendance were Insp. Suzie binti Ku Md Ariff (Ketua Bahagian Pencegahan Jenayah dan Keselamatan Komuniti cum MCPF SPS DLC Vice-Chairman [I]), Arumugam a/l Rajoo (Vice-Chairman [II]), ASP PB Amirul Ariff bin Abdul Rahman (Secretary), Ng Seng Hing (Treasurer), Visvaraj a/l  Balasundram (Committee Member), Komagan Lingam (Committee Member) and Ms. Lee Hooi Pheng (Committee Member). The DLC Members present discussed in earnest plans for upcoming Programs, Activities and Events where MCPF SPS DLC will have integral roles and responsibilities. Keep it up SPS DLC!