Past Events

MCPF Barat Daya DLC holds its inaugural 2022 meeting cum Letters of Appointment ceremony


MCPF Barat Daya DLC led by its Chairman James Mohan held its inaugural 2022 meeting cum Letters of Appointment at Balai Polis Bayan Lepas on 7th June 2022. In attendance from PDRM Barat Daya were YDH Supt. Kamarul Rizal bin Jenal (OCPF), DSP Jafri bin Md Zain (Deputy OCPD), Insp. Siva (Bahagian Pencegahan Jenayah dan Keselamatan Komuniti) and other Ketua Bahagian from IPD Barat Daya. MCPF Barat Daya DLC Members present included Jarmy Goh Jiun Ming (Vice-Chairman [II]), Velayit Hussein bin Haja Mydin (Secretary), Ponnalagu a/l Arumugam (Treasurer), Philip Vincent a/l Xavier (Committee Member), Nicholas Chang Gim Hooi (Committee Member), William Hoe Chin Khwan (Committee Member) and Puan Nik Siti Nur Hafizah binti Nik Man (Committee Member, PPD). James Mohan shared a presentation on MCPF to help all present familiarize themselves better on MCPF’s Mission / Vision / Objectives and structure. The highlight of the meeting was the handing out of the Letters of Appointment to the DLC Members. Supt. Jafri bin Md Zain addressed the attendees with his motivational tips. Kudos to both MCPF DLC Barat Daya and PDRM IPD Barat Daya.