
MCPF Penang District Liaison Committees Organization Charts updated


MCPF Penang District Liaison Committees for its 5 Districts (aligned to the Districts of Royal Malaysia Police) has continued to evolve with changes in personnel for like District OCPDs (Ketua Polis Daerah), District Division Heads of the Crime Prevention and Community Safety (Ketua Bahagian PJKK), District Education Department representatives and its own DLC Members. All 5 Districts of Penang State i.e. North-East (Timur Laut), South-West (Barat Daya), Mainland North (Seberang Perai Utara), Mainland Central (Seberang Perai Tengah) and Mainland South (Seberang Perai Selatan) have representative members from the District Education Department of Penang. For a closer look at the actual composition of the DLC Members please refer to the ‘About MCPF’ drop down menu and click ‘Penang District Liaison Committees (DLC)’ to browse the individual DLC itself.