
MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log has a respectable 6,943 Hits in February 2020; surpasses 250k mark since its commencement 4 years ago!


MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log has averaged 7307.50 hits over the first 2 months of 2020. Comparatively, monthly averages for 2019 was 8,521.00, 2018 at 6,755.00, 2017 at 3,254.67 and 2016 at 1,445.10.   Continued viewing of our Website has been maintained at a healthy level with continuing interest by MCPF fraternity and the community at large that it is engaged with at District, State and National levels. The Maximum Unique Visitors per day touched 704 hits whilst the Minimum Unique Visitors per day was at 256. Cumulatively since this data had been closely monitored, MCPF Penang’s Website have had a total of 251,334 Hits (March 2016 till February 2020). It has been an incredible ‘Hit’ rate journey since going ‘live’ exactly 48 months ago in March 2016 surpassing the ¼ of a million Visitors’ log level. With the establishment of a QR Code to link our Website, it is anticipated that our Website Visitors’ Log will continue to remain commendable.