Past Events

MCPF Penang SLC Meeting 05/2019 at RMP Penang HQ Main Meeting Room


Penang SLC Meeting 05/2019 that was held at the RMP Penang HQ Main Meeting Room on 5th December 2019. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar reviewed the ‘raw’ data of MCPF Penang SLC and the 5 DLCs Performances to date for 2019 and received feedbacks from members present as to the challenges, concerns and issues faced. He encouraged better performances and iterated the importance of total Teamwork amongst all SLC Members / DLC Chairmen and their DLC Members that must be underlined by mutual support / respect for one another in carrying out of their Programs, Events and Activities. MCPF Penang Secretary requested all SLC Members and DLC Members to review the preliminary KPI Scoresheet and to provide their feedbacks. Members were also informed that a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for smooth execution of MCPF Penang SLC / DLC focus on Crime Prevention Awareness would be authored shortly by its Secretary Dr. EL Ching. SLC Member M. Kaleessvaran provided a brief update on the forthcoming RMP Program for OCPDs / OCSs to be held at the Penang Golf Club on 19th December 2019. At this meeting, MCPF Penang extended its sincere appreciation and thanks to Encik Nasrul Faizal Mohd Nasir for his services and steadfast dedication in his duties as the SLC’s Assistant Secretary. Dr. EL Ching proposed, and was accepted unanimously by all members present and the nominee named i.e. SLC Member Victor Lim Kok Hooi to take over as Assistant Secretary. Additionally, Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar presented the Letter of Appointment as ex-Officio SLC Member to Associate Professor Dr. Selvakumar Manickam of USM.