
MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log achieves a record high 12,276 Hits for November 2019


MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log has chalked its highest ever monthly Visitors’ Log in November 2019 of 12,276 Hits surpassing the previous monthly best ever of 11,858 Hits in March 2018. This brings its 2019 total to date of 93,142 Visitors’ Log Hits and increasing the monthly average to 8,467.45 Hits matched against 2018’s 6,755.00 per month, 2017’s 3,254.67 per month and 2016’s 1,445.10 per month. Continued viewing of our Website has had a positive momentum with expanding interest by MCPF fraternity and the community at large that it is engaged with at District, State and National levels. The Maximum Unique Visitors per day touched 1,046 hits whilst the Minimum Unique Visitors per day was at 491.