Past Events

A highly interactive and participative PDRM Town Hall Discussion 2019 at Dewan Kulia A, USM


A well-attended and highly participative Town Hall Discussion was organized by RMP Penang Contingent and collaboratively executed with MCPF Penang, USM and Lions Club International. YDH CP Dato’ Narenasagaran Thangaveloo, Chief Police Officer of Penang fielded various questions posed by the audience and spoke from his heart sharing both official (RMP) positions on issues as well as being frank on his own personal take and feelings. The Event held at Dewan Kulia A, USM on 30th Nov 2019 was moderated professionally by Y.Bhg. Assoc Prof Dr. P. Sundramoorthy of USM (also MCPF Federal EXCO). The wide variety of subject matter covered included Road Accidents; Internet Scams; ongoing review of Mandatory Death Sentence and possible alternatives; Independent Police Complaints & Misconduct Commission (IPCMC); Illegal Parking and general Parking woes within George Town; CP Dato’ Narenasagaran’s open and transparent media interviews; and, character building traits and influences of the public / elders / parents / teachers and current societal challenges faced.

MCPF Penang’s SLC and DLC support and attendance at this event was commendable. In attendance from SLC were Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Jaafar Syed Ali, Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen, M. Kaleessvaran, Johnny Michael Tan (cum Timur Laut DLC Chairman), James Mohan (cum Barat Daya DLC Chairman), Choo Eng Hin, Paramaguru Balan Moghan (cum SPS DLC Chairman), Munusamy Muniandy (cum SPU DLC Chairman) and Joseph Sawaremuthu. Various DLC Members were also present including from Timur Laut DLC Secretary Ronald Aeria, Dato’ Mohd Nashir Ya, Peter Paul Arokiyasamy, Teoh Kheng Tatt; from Barat Daya Secretary Velayit Hussein bin Haja Mydin and Jarmy Goh; from SPU Mariappan G. Krishnasamy and Haribalan Gopal; and from SPT Goh Hoe Eng, Secretary Jacob Pao King Hing and Kenny Ho Kee Meng. Also spotted in the crowd was MCPF Member Dr. Shamsher Singh Thind.