
Man on the Move


On 19th October 2016 Dr. P. Sundramoorthy attended the MCPF EXCO Meeting at Hotel Paragon, Johor Bahru where MCPF Penang was cited by MCPF Senior Vice-Chairman Tan Sri Datuk Seri Lee Lam Thye as being a leader in its programs and activities in 2016 amongst all MCPF State Liaison Committees.

On 20th October 2016 he was among the visiting MCPF EXCO Members who paid a study visit to the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) Singapore at the Singapore Police HQ complex.

On 23rd October 2016 he was given the honor of being one of the 5-Member Panel of Judges during MCPF University Debate & Forum 2016 held at Kompleks Perdana Siswa, University of Malaya.  The debate topic “This house believes that the Criminal Justice System should prioritize rehabilitative treatment instead of harsh sentencing” was preceded by an MCPF Forum entitled “Regulating Social Media: Should we play a bigger role?”

On 27th October 2016, Dr. P. Sundramoorthy alongside MCPF Senior Vice-Chairman Tan Sri Datuk Seri Lee Lam Thye represented MCPF at the funeral service of the late Tan Sri Datuk (Dr.) Henry Chin, Chairman of MCPF EXCO Standing Committee on Membership in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

On 3rd November 2016, he was called upon to moderate the final Discussion Session at a Forum “Strategising Measures to Combat Serious Crimes” held at Sunway Resort, Subang Jaya.  This program headed by MCPF was in collaboration with PDRM; Retired Senior Police Officers Association (RESPA); the Performance, Management and Delivery Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department (PEMANDU); Transparency International and Ministry of Home Affairs.