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Penang State maintains ‘runaway leadership’ for VSP New Registrants per 100k population


Volunteer Smartphone Patrol (VSP) New Registrants for Penang State hit 112,098 behind the absolute number of 145,034 for Selangor and way ahead of 67,357 for Johor. The stats for per 100k population places Penang in a runaway leadership level of 6,273 versus 2nd placed Negri Sembilan at 3,769. The continued support of Penangnites to be ‘In Unison with the Royal Malaysia Police’ influenced by RMP Penang contingent’s Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department leadership and collaborative / cooperative integration of this drive as a ‘norm’ within various Crime Prevention programs and activities by NGO’s, Public Bodies, Private Enterprises and Business entities and other Community Organizations has been the key differentiation factor.