Past Events

MCPF SLC Member M. Kaleessvaran delivers a ‘Motivational Talk’ at Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Batu Kawan, SPS Penang


MCPF Penang SLC Member M. Kaleessvaran delivered a Motivational talk at Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Batu Kawan, SPS on 19th July 2019. This short program was a collaboration with Hindu Sangam and the school itself. Over 150 students were involved. Kalees stressed to the Primary 1 to 6 students on how to be engaged in positive activities, and to understand that avoiding bad practices and habits will give them a much better shot at being more successful in their academic studies and future lives. This invariably is the foundation for understanding and being more aware about Crime Prevention as they grow up in Secondary School in College / University. He also stressed on the importance of showing respect to their teachers and parents.