Past Events

Dialogue Session between MCPF Penang and RMP Penang on ‘Revival’ of Kelab Pencegahan Jenayah Sekolah


MCPF Penang Secretary cum SPT DLC Chairman Dr. EL Ching chaired a meeting at the Main Meeting Room, RMP Penang HQ on 2nd July 2019 to discuss in earnest the ‘Revival’ of Kelab Pencegahan Jenayah Sekolah (School Crime Prevention Club). YDH ACP Som Sak A/L Din Keliaw, Deputy HOD (Strategic Planning), CPCSD RMP Penang led the RMP contingent in this two way dialogue. Other RMP officers in attendance were DSP Sathasivam A/L Maniam (CPCSD, DSP Community Coordination), ASP Donny A/L John Jubang (CPCS Division, North-East RMP HQ Rep) and ASP Andrew John Samuel (CPCS Division, South-West RMP HQ Rep). MCPF SLC Penang Members in attendance included Choo Eng Hin and Ridzuan Md Zain. The remaining MCPF (Penang) DLC Chairmen (JM Tan – North-East [Timur Laut]; James Mohan – South-West [Barat Daya]; Munusamy Muniandy (Seberang Perai Utara) and Paramaguru Balan Moghan (Seberang Perai Selatan) were also in attendance to review how MCPF together with RMP (Penang State / District) and the State / District Education Offices will pursue this reinvigoration / rejuvenation path for selected Secondary Schools.