Past Events

MCPF OC Team for 5th International Security Seminar steps up its progressive 9th, 10th, and 11th Meetings


The Organizing Committee for the upcoming 24th / 25th September 2019 5th International Security Seminar stepped up its preparations through a series of ongoing meetings in June 2019. On 11th June 2019, OC Chairman Joseph Sawaremuthu, Progam Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen and OC Members Ridzuan Md Zain / Johnny Michael Tan held an on-site inspection of the chosen venue (The Wembley, A St. Giles Hotel, George Town) followed by the 9th Meeting at the KOMTAR Bus Terminal Kopi Tiam. The for formal 10th Meeting was held at USM’s Security Department Conference Room on 13th June 2019 attended by Joseph Sawaremuthu, Ridzuan Md Zain, Dr. EL Ching, Assoc Prof Dr. Selvakumar Manickam and JM Tan. At this 10th Meeting, Joseph handed over the reign of OC Chairman to Dr. EL Ching as he would be pursuing a career opportunity in the Klang valley. Joseph Sawaremuthu was accompanied by JM Tan in a visit to the premises of the e-Brochure vendor on 15th June 2019 to finalize its details. On 20th June 2019, the OC Team of Harikumar, Ridzuan and JM Tan held the 11th Meeting which had the presence of this Seminar OC Advisors MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali and Assoc Prof Dr. P. Sundramoorthy (USM cum MCPF Federal EXCO) present. Details on envisaged Speakers / Topics and other matters were covered with the inputs from the Advisors well taken by the OC Team members present.