Past Events

MCPF SPS DLC Chairman Paramaguru Balan Moghan pays courtesy call to offices of RMP SPS District OCPD and HEM Officer of SPS Education Office


As the newly appointed Chairman of SPS DLC, Paramaguru Balan Moghan kicked off his role by paying courtesy visits to the officers of RMP SPS District OCPD YDH Supt. Shafee Abd. Samad and the Students Affairs Head of SPS Education District Office Encik Mat Saad.  He covered key points on the focus of MCPF Penang at SLC and DLC levels pertaining to School Crime Prevention Programs and the fight against Drug Menace. Paramaguru Balan Moghan also handed over the official communique from MCPF Penang announcing the appointments of DLC Chairmen for 2019/2020 to Supt. Shafee Abd. Samad – also the Advisor of SPS DLC. Way to go Ramm!