Past Events

5th International Security Seminar Organizing Committee meet 4 times in May 2019 in preparation for September 2019 Program


The MCPF led 5th International Security Seminar Organizing Committee met 4 times in May 2019 to finalize planning and logistics details that will lead up to the scheduled event on 24th and 25th September 2019 at St. Giles Wembley, George Town, Penang. The 5th OC Meeting held at the School of Social Science Conference Room, USM on 2nd May 2019 saw the team brainstorming on the Speaker Invitation list to ensure a well-balanced and value-added two days program for all attendees. The team met again on 4th May 2019 for a breakfast meeting with its Advisor – Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali (Chairman, MCPF Penang) at the Kayu Restaurant, Bukit Jambul. At the 7th OC Meeting at the USM Security Department Meeting Room, the focus was on the finalization of the Speakers’ confirmation alongside the depth / breadth of the impact that their papers would have. On 31st May 2019, Organizing Chairman Joseph Sawaremuthu sat down with OC Team Member JM Tan to “dot the ‘I’s and ‘J’s and cross all the ‘T’s of the e-Brochure.