
MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log touches 25,003 Hits in first 4 months of 2019


MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log touched a Year-to-Date highest level of 6,970 in April 2019. This great level of Visitors’ Hit Rate makes 2019 first four months average to be at 6250.75 matched against 2017’s 3,254.67 per month and 2016’s 1,445.10 per month. The continuing trend of Visitors to MCPF Penang Website shows that MCPF Penang have a continuing and steady following which represents increasing keen interest on Crime Prevention and Awareness.

For April 2019, the Maximum Unique Visitors per day was at a high 1,061 hits whilst the Minimum Unique Visitors per day touched 290 hits.