Past Events

MCPF South-West (Barat Daya) DLC Chairman James Mohan holds discussion with South-West District Education Office on Crime Prevention Awareness


MCPF Penang SLC Member cum MCPF South-West (Barat Daya) DLC Chairman James Mohan, held a discussion with Encik Mazlan, the Head of Counselling Unit of the Barat Daya District Education Office to proliferate Crime Prevention Awareness in our schools of the South-West District of Penang State. From his discussion with Encik Mazlan, James has mooted the idea of helping to close the gap of the lack of knowledge of MCPF and its roles / responsibilities amongst the educationists of our State. He added that we should leverage our MCPF Penang ex-Officio SLC Member Cikgu Hassan Din to help in this quest. The idea is fully endorsed by our MCPF Penang Chairman Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali. MCPF Penang SLC / DLC will take on this from a two-prong effort to cover Penang Island and Mainland Districts respectively,