Past Events

Community Policing Program: Students Visit to Seberang Perai Prison as part of Leadership Program


10 Teachers and 110 Students from SMK Mak Mandin and SMK Kg Kastam were given a possible life changing experience when they visited the Seberang Perai Prison as part of their ongoing Leadership Development Program on 21st February 2019. YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah (HOD, CPCSD RMP Penang cum MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman [I]); YDH DSP Sathasivam (Community Policing, CPCSD RMP Penang) and YDH ASP Rani Putri bt Sharif (Section Head, CPCSD IPD SPT cum MCPF SPS DLC Vice-Chairman [I]) were the Community Policing Program Ambassadors from RMP Penang. The Penang State EXCO for Youth and Sports / Bagan Jermal Member of Parliament YB Soon Lip Chee; YDH TKP Roslan bin Hj. Mohamed (Director of Prison, Penang); YDH PKP Tey Hock Soon (Director of Remand Prison, Penang); YDH PKP Husin bin Johari (Director, Seberang Perai Prison) and Tuan Ismail bin Mohd Said (Head of Human Resource Development sector, Penang State Education Department) were the VIPs in attendance. YB Soon Lip Chee officiated this Leadership Program. ASP Rani Putri handled 3 Forum topics pertaining to Prison and Career (or lack of); Mental Health and Policing. SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah gave an inspirational ‘Briefing Session’. A Summary Forum was conducted by Ustaz Mohd Firdaus bin Ahmad alongside a lady under the “ODP” – Orang Di Parol program Puan Jarina bin Arshad.