Past Events

MCPF South-West (Barat Daya) DLC holds its 01/2019 Meeting at Balai Polis FIZ


MCPF South-West (Barat Daya) DLC Chairman James Mohan convened the BD DLC 1st Meeting for 2019 at the Balai Polis FIZ on 20th February 2019. In attendance were Barat Daya DLC Vice-Chairman (I) – YDH ASP Mazlan Fadzilah; Barat Daya DLC Secretary – Velayit Hussein bin Haja Mydin; Barat Daya DLC Treasurer – Ponnalagu Arumugam; and Barat Daya DLC Members – Krishnan Maniam, Jarmy Goh, Chang Gim Hooi and Philip Vincent. Attendees present were appreciated by James Mohan for their support. The plans for a solid 2019 by Barat Daya DLC was discussed in earnest.