Past Events

MCPF Penang host a Welcome Dinner for its new CPO YDH CP Dato’ Narenasagaran Thangaveloo at Halab Restaurant


MCPF Penang held an informal welcome dinner for its new Chief Police Officer YDH CP Dato’ Narenasagaran Thangaveloo at Halab Restaurant, George Town on 18th February 2019. Accompanying CP Dato’ Naren were  YDH SAC Dato’ Zainol bin Samah, Head of Crime Investigation Department, RMP Penang; YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah, Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department, RMP Penang cum Vice-Chairman (I) MCPF Penang and other accompanying Police Officers.

CP Dato’ Naren got to know the Office Bearers of MCPF Penang / MCPF (Federal) EXCO members and shared his life’s experiences and anecdotes.  MCPF Penang Members present looked to CP Dato’ Naren support as its esteemed Advisor and the continuing outstanding working relationship between RMP Penang and MCPF Penang.