Past Events

Official Visit of MCPF Penang to Penang CPO’s Office at RMP Penang HQ


MCPF Penang paid an official visit to meet up with Penang’s new CPO YDH Dato’ Narenasagaran Thangaveloo at his office in RMP Penang HQ on 14th February 2019.  MCPF Penang delegates included Chairman Y. Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali; Deputy Chairman Y. Bhg. Dato’ K. Pulayantran; Vice-Chairman (I) YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah; Vice-Chairman (II) Rosli Mohamed Ali; Secretary EL Ching; Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen and SLC Member Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Jaafar. Also in attendance from RMP were YDH ACP Som Sak A/L Din Keliaw (Deputy HOD, Crime Prevention and Community Policing Department, Penang); YDH ACP Ruslan bin Ibrahim (Deputy HOD, Crime Investigation Department, Penang) and YDH Supt. Saw Hock Tek (Staff Officer, Community Policing, CPCSD RMP Penang cum MCPF Penang ex-Officio SLC Member).  This official visit underlined the long standing and ongoing collaborative, cooperative and consultative relationship between the Royal Malaysia Police, Penang Contingent and MCPF Penang State. Parties present discussed contemporary issues and challenges faced by Penang State with regards to Crimes and Crime Prevention Programs. There was a fair exchange of each other’s perspectives, experiences and expertise. Moving forward, both RMP Penang and MCPF Penang would work together to help improve the public’s perception of the Royal Malaysia Police, developing more analytical and effective crime prevention and investigation that would encompass issues including drugs and  traffic safety. MCPF Penang Chairman Y. Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali also presented the formal Letter of Appointment as Advisor, MCPF Penang to YDH CP Dato’ Narenasagaran Thangaveloo.