Past Events

MCPF Penang conducts Visit and Study Tour of Seberang Perai Prison, Jawi


MCPF Penang conducted an official Visit and Study Tour of Seberang Perai Prison (Penjara Seberang Perai) at Jalan Krian-Kedah, 14200 Sungai Jawi, Seberang Perai Selatan on Thursday 24th January 2019. The key objectives of this program was: a) To have a better understanding of the ‘Detention and Rehabilitation’ process and system within the Prison; b) To build a networking between MCPF Penang and Penang Prison for future joint Crime Prevention programs; c) To be able to assist and partner with Penang Prison for any activity that MCPF Penang might be able to deliver to the inmates. The 17 strong delegation was led by MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. /Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali. Other included Deputy Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ K. Pulayantran; Vice-Chairman (I) YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah (also RMP Penang Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department; Vice-Chairman (II) Rosli Mohamed Ali; Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen; SLC Members Lt. Kol. (PAB) Felix Chuah Gim Chuan, JM Tan, Choo Eng Hin, Munusamy Muniandy, Joseph Sawaremuthu, Kapt. (PAB) Paramguru Balan Moghan, Yazid bin Razali, Ridzuan Md Zain, Maj. (Rtd) Wan Abdul Hamid, ex-Officio Amirul Ariff Abdul Rahman (MPSP), ex-Officio YDH Supt. Saw Hock Teck – CPCSD, RMP Penang and YDH ASP Rani Putri Sharif (CPCSD, SPS). The MCPF Penang delegates were hosted by YDH TKP Roslan bin Hj. Mohamed, Director, Penang Prison; YDH PKK Husin bin Hj. Johari, Director, Seberang Perai Prison and YDH PP Zaini bin Ibrahim, Deputy Director, Seberang Perai Prison.

The Visit and Study Tour Itinerary encompassed Administrative and Security Briefing, Visit to the Female Ward / Chilly Sauce and Cake Making Workshop; Male Prison Ward; Outdoor Exercise Yard; Indoor Sports Hall; Male Dhobi Workshop and Rattan Workshop; Briefing by their Correctional and Rehabilitation Officer Tuan Kamaruddin bin Yaacob, Briefing on the Parole and Community Service Program, Signing of Visitor’s Book and Exchange of Souvenirs, Lunch and Group Photograph.

During the Briefing session, various insights shared by the Seberang Perai Prison hosts were extremely educational for the MCPF Penang Visitors. Key Learnings included the Brief History of this Prison Complex designed as a ‘Sports Prison’, completed on 28th August 2009, operational by 15th October 2009, officially opened by TYT Governor of Penang on 17th June 2018. The updates included the Size of the Prison Complex, its facilities, and population of inmates. Two other interesting in-depth takeaway was the 4 Phases of Detention and Rehabilitation and the importance of the Parole and Community Service program.  A  key outcome, going forward, and well covered in an article by the New Straits Times (3rd February 2019) was on how MCPF Penang would find avenues to help reformed ex-prison inmates return to the community and become better persons. MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali envisaged that other community outreach programs could include the participation of former prison inmates to such programs and help to deliver the message that ‘Crime Does Not Pay’. This is a challenging path forward that will need the collaboration, cooperation and coordination with the Prison Department and the Royal Malaysia Police.