
MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log spikes upwards to above 5,000 Hits in November 2018


MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log saw a spike upwards to clock 5,175 hits in November 2018 (the highest since June 2018) bringing the monthly average of 2018 to 6906.27 Visitors per month compared to 2017’s 3,254.67 per month and 2016’s 1,445.10 per month.

The Visitors’ Log hit rate which had stabilized to a good average of 4,581.50 hits per month from July to Oct 2018 had this pleasant upward tick in November 2018 partly due to key activities in October / November 2018 e.g. 4th OSAC Security Symposium on 29th October 2018 and the Substance Abuse Awareness Program for School Students on 10th November 2018. Maximum Unique Visitors per day jumped upwards to a strong 561 hits with the Minimum Unique Visitors per day chalking a solid 230 hits.