Past Events

Farewell to Barat Daya OCPD Supt. Lai Fah Hin


At a heart-warming Ceremony held at the IPD Barat Daya in Balik Pulau, outgoing Supt. Lai Fah Hin – a much beloved supporter and believer in MCPF Penang’s efforts to heighten Crime Awareness amongst the Penang community – left the corridors of the Police Force to move on being a civilian amongst the general public.  In a two-parter ‘Ceremony’ MCPF Penang SLC Members Rosli Ali and James Mohan alongside MCPF Penang Affiliate SLC Member Joseph Sawaremuthu had breakfast with Tuan Supt. Lai Fah Hin and his Barat Daya contingent.  All three were well deserved recipients of Certificate of Appreciation from Supt. Lai Fah Hin for their unflinching support and cooperation between the FREPENCA industrial companies and the PDRM.  In the later part of the ceremony, Dato’ Syed Jaafar Syed Ali – Chairman, MCPF Penang was one of the distinguished guest who bade ‘Farewell and Fare Well’ to Tuan Supt. Lai Fai Hin.  Also amongst the crowd was MCPF SLC Member Munusamy Muniandy. We bid Fare Well and Farewell to Supt. Lai Fah Hin and we bid a warm welcome to his successor Supt. Annuar Bin Omar.