Past Events

MCPF Penang holds its 7th Community Outreach Program – JCOP2018 at Batu Lanchang Hawker Centre/Market Car Park


The Jelutong Community Outreach Program 2018 was held at the Batu Lanchang Hawker Centre / Market Car Park on Sunday 23rd September 2018. This event Organizing Committee headed by MCPF Penang SLC Member / Chairman, North-East District Liaison Committee JM Tan had members from MCPF Penang SLC / North-East DLC, City Council of Penang (MBPP), Lions Club 308 B2 R1 Rep and Councilor from Jelutong. The Event was graced by Jelutong Member of Parliament YB RSN Rayer who officiated the event; YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah, Crime Prevention and Community Safety Head of Department, RMP Penang cum MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman (I) who delivered the Key Note Address; Y.Bhg. Dato’ Syed Jaafar Syed Ali, Chairman, MCPF Penang with his Welcoming Address; Y.Bhg. Dato’ AR Yew Tung Seang, Mayor of the City Council of Penang (Datuk Bandar, MBPP); YDH Supt. Izwan bin Abdul Karim, Deputy OCPD, North-East District; YB Ong Ah Teong, State Assemblyman for Batu Lanchang; YB Lim Siew Khim, State Assemblyman for Sungai Pinang and Y.Bhg. Dato’ K. Pulayantran, Deputy Chairman of MCPF Penang. Senior Police Officers present included YDH Supt. Saw Hock Tek (CPCS RMP Penang HQ) and YDH ASP Chang Kut Choy (CPCS North-East District).

A note of worthy thanks to Members of the Press / Media; the Red Crescent Society that professionally handled the Health Screening of Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar Count and Body Mass Index; RMP North-East District; AMANITA; and Secondary Students / Teachers from SMK Georgetown; SMK Convent Green Lane; SMK Jelutong and Penang Free School.
Highlights of this Jelutong Community Outreach Program included Exhibitions by MCPF Penang (Bi-Lingual sharing of Say ‘No’ to Bullying and Say ‘No’ to Gangsterism); RMP North-East District on Narcotics and Traffic as well as MPV / URB; RMP Promotion of VSP and AMANITA and a highly engaging High Profile Policing conducted by the VIPs in attendance. MCPF Pocket Book “100 Tips Keselamatan Jenayah” (100 Crime Safety Tips) was also distributed during the High Profile Policing covering the Batu Lanchang Market and Hawker Centre and to members of the public visiting the MCPF Exhibition Booth. This afternoon event focused on increasing Crime Prevention Awareness to members of the Public from George Town and specifically the Jelutong Parliamentary Constituency. It brought the public present closer to Authorities and Governmental Agencies and NGO in the fight against crime.

This 7th Community Outreach Program marks the first time that MCPF Penang had planned and executed a comprehensive outdoor daytime program. It continues the rich vein of success that MCPF Penang has had previously in Gurney Plaza (2013), Sunway Carnival Mall (2013), Queensbay Mall (2013), GAMA (2014), Batu Maung (premise of Pasukan Bomba Sukarela Batu Maung) (2016) and Kompleks Bukit Jambul (2016). The leadership role taken by the Timur Laut District Liaison Committee Members must be commended.

MCPF Penang, RMP Penang Contingent and the City Council of Penang would like to thank Organizing Committee members of this JCOP2018 Event including Cik Rashidah Jalaludin, Director of Community Relations – City Council of Penang; Tuan Muhd Muashraf Mohd of MBPP; Jelutong Councilor Nicholas Theng; Lion SK Chong; MCPF Penang SLC Members Choo Eng Hin / Joseph Sawaremuthu / Felix Chuah / Ridzuan Md Zain and North-East DLC Members Ronald Cecil Aeria / Kathiraveloo Thangiah, Peter Paul Arokiyasamy, Tuan Mohd Fahmy; North-East District RMP CPCSD DSP Chee Yin Kein / ASP Chang Kut Choy / Corporal Sankar. Thanks are also due to the Personal Assistants of YB RSN Rayer (Prasad Muthu Ramalingam); YB Jagdeep Singh Deo (Manpal Singh); YB Lim Siew Khim (Frank Yeoh) and YB Ong Ah Teong (Ms. Wong Oi Kharm).