Past Events

SPU DLC Conducts School Crime Prevention Program at SRK Pasir Gebu, Penaga


MCPF Seberang Perai Utara conducted its first School Crime Prevention Program at SRK Pasir Gebu, Penaga on 8th Aug 2018. MCPF Penang SLC Member  cum SPU DLC Chairman Munusamy Muniandy was accompanied by SPU DLC Treasurer Zameer bin Haidar Ali and SPU DLC Member Madzuki bin Md Noor in giving a talk on “Say ‘NO’ to Bullying” coupled with a briefing on “Say “NO” to Drugs” to 30 Teachers and over 400 students of Years 1 to 6. The Headmaster Encik Hamdan bin Hashim appreciated MCPF SPU DLC’s support on this program. Emphasis was placed on the ill effects of both ‘Bullying’ and ‘Drugs’ and the how they impact the victims themselves, their families and the community at large.