Past Events

RMP JIPS Restructuring Workshop at Police Mess, Jalan Lahat


Royal Malaysia Police’s Director of JIPS (Jabatan Integriti dan Pematuhan Standard) of Bukit Aman YDH CP Dato’ Zamri bin Yahya launched the JIPS Restructuring and Consolidation Workshop for the Penang Contingent of the Royal Malaysia Police that was held at the Officers’ Mess at Jalan Lahat on 7th to 8th August 2018. The JIPS Contingent was required to conduct an impact study of the Royal Malaysia Police District level Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department as well as the Criminal Investigation Department. The workshop was also attended by YDH CP Dato’ Asri bin Yussof, Director of Management, Bukit Aman; YDH CP Dato’ Seri A. Thaiveegan, Chief Police Officer of Penang (MCPF Penang Honorary Advisor); YDH Dato’ Azri bin Ahmad, Deputy Director of JIPS (Integrity), Bukit Aman; YDH DCP Dato’ Roslee bin Chik, Deputy CPO, Penang; YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah, Head of Department, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, Penang (MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman [I]); other Heads of Departments, OCPDs and Senior Police Officers. The workshop primary objective was to review the requirements and capacity of JIPS, Royal Malaysia Police Penang Contingent.