Past Events

10th Asian Criminological Society Conference: MCPF Penang’s collaborative partnership with USM and ACS


MCPF Penang was honored to be invited by Associate Professor Dr. P. Sundramoorthy, USM cum Conference Chairman for the 10th Asian Criminological Society Conference to be a collaborative partner. Besides Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali’s Welcoming Remarks, YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah’s delivery the Cybercrime in Malaysia paper and James Mohan’s captivating role as Master of Ceremony, others who played key supportive roles were SLC Member Associate Professor Dr. Chua Soo Yean who was part of the Scientific Committee for the Conference, Secretary EL Ching, Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen and SLC Member / Timur Laut DLC Chairman JM Tan. Additionally, MCPF Penang’s Webmaster Selwyn Chuah had a key involvement to manage the Conference official Website. MCPF Penang SLC Members who attended the 1st Day’s morning session included Vice-Chairman (II) Rosli Mohamed Ali, SLC Members Felix Chuah Gim Chuan, Joseph Sawaremuthu and Ridzuan Md. Zain as well as ex-Officio SLC Member Puan Noor Asa Elang. Secretary EL Ching delivered a Paper in Parallel Session 5C entitled “The Study of Cargo Crime on Road Transportation in Malaysia: Application of Crime Displacement Theory and chaired Parallel Session 6A on Cyber Crime on Day 3. JM Tan chaired Parallel Session 5C on Commercial & Property Crime which had 7 speakers including ACS Board Member Professor Wei-Teh Mon on Day 2. He also co-chaired Parallel Session 6B on Criminal Justice on Day 3 with MCPF Member Dr. Shamsher Singh Thind. Thanks also ex-MCPF EXCO Member Dato’ Wong Pui Lam who flew in from KL to attend Day 1 morning proceedings!