Past Events

10th Asian Criminological Society Conference: Special Presentation by PDRM Penang


PDRM’s YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah (HOD, JPJKK Penang) cum MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman (I) shared an interesting paper “An Analytical Insight of Cybercrime in Malaysia” on the morning of Day 2. As always, Dato’ Anil Shah’s sharing was inspired and attention grabbing. MCPF. Spotted amongst the crowd were key JPJKK (Jabatan Pencegahan Jenayah dan Keselamatan Komuniti – Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department) Senior Police Officers including YDH ACP Som Sak A/L Keliaw (Deputy HOD, JPJKK [Strategic Planning]), YDH Supt. Tan Cheng San, YDH Supt Nermaljit Singh and MCPF Penang ex-Officio SLC Member YDH Supt. Saw Hock Tek.

Immediately following the delivery of his paper, SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah and his JPJKK Senior Police Officers had a half hour dialogue meeting with representatives from the Taiwan Police comprising of Ming Chao Huang, Director-General of Keelung City Police Bureau; Mao Zhewei and Zhu Hong from the Zhejiang Police College and 15 participating delegates.