Past Events

Multiple Crime Prevention Awareness and Motivation Programs with Indian Community at Seberang Perai


MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran and MCPF SLC Member Paramguru Balan Moghan were seen to be with the Indian Community in their efforts to disseminate to the general Indian community on the importance of Crime Prevention Awareness and to help motivate and inspire the Indian Community in Seberang Perai being on the same platform and bring about change in perception of the role they play in society. Five different programs within a busy 11 days from 16th March 2018 till 26th March 2018. Syabas, Tahniah and Nandri Vanikam to both Dato’ K. Pulayantran and Ramm for their ubiquitous presence in being wonderful MCPF Ambassador.
1. Motivation Program “Where Are We Going?” at Jawi D’Bella Hotel, Jawi, SPS on 16th March 2018
In a program organized by the Northern Region Education and Welfare Development Association (Persatuan Pembangunan Pendidikan dan Kebajikan), MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman cum Seberang Perai Selatan District Liaison Committee Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran officiated and delivered a keynote address with pertaining to Crime Prevention which was followed by a Motivation Talk entitled “Where Are We Going?” by Professor Dr. Kader Ibrahim. Accompanying Dato’ K. Pulayantran was MCPF SLC Penang Member cum SPS DLC Secretary Paramguru Balan Moghan. Other VIPs in attendance included Lt. Kol (PAB) Dato’ Nava and Encik G. Batmanathan. Other Indian NGOs, Parents and Teachers of SPS Standard 5 pupils from Seberang Perai Selatan District were in the attentive audience.

2. Meet and Discuss about Crime Prevention Program with Indian NGOs at Palm Inn Hotel, Butterworth, SPU on 17th March 2018
20 needy students were deserving reciepients of school items and cash during a “Meet and Discuss Crime Prevention Program” with Indian NGOs held at Palm Inn Hotel, Butterworth, Seberang Perai Utara on 17th March 2018. MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran addressed the crowd in this event organized by the Indian Civic Association, Penang and as always his sharing about being good citizens and their roles in Crime Awareness and Prevention efforts reached a very attentive audience. This program endorsed by YB Penang Deputy Chief Minister Dr. P. Ramasamy was attended by other Indian NGO stalwarts including YB. Thasegaran and MCPF Penang SLC Member Paramguru Balan Moghan, Parents and Students as well as the Press/Media.

3. Meet and Discuss about Crime Prevention Program at SJK(T) Ladang Juru , SPS on 18th March 2018
The Welfare and Progress Organization for Tamil people organized a Crime Prevention Program at SJK (T) Ladang Juru, Seberang Perai Selatan on 18th March 2018. Addressing Indian NGOs, Indian Parents and Students, Parent-Teacher Association representatives from Seberang Perai and the Press/ Media was MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran. Also in attendance was the Organization’s Chairman Encik Kalidas as well as MCPF Penang SLC Member Paramguru Balan Moghan. As in the first two events, this third program of “Meet and Discuss about Crime Prevention” in 2018 for the Indian Community was a real success. Tuan Mohd Fuad bin Mohd Khir, the Deputy SPS District Education Officer was a specially invited guest.

4. Meet and Discuss about Crime Prevention Program with Indian NGOs at Butterworth, SPU on 23rd March 2018
In a fourth “Meet and Discuss about Crime Prevention Program” series, MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran was invited to officiate and deliver a keynote address on Crime Prevention by the Bandar Seberang Perai Branch of the Malaysian Dravidian Association. The audience encompassed various Seberang Perai Indian NGOs, Parents and Students and the Press/Media. Dato’ Latif and Encik Nasir were also present alongside MCPF Penang SLC Member Paramguru Balan Moghan. The importance of working together in cooperation to reduce Crime was emphasized by Dato’ K. Pulayantran.

5. Meet and Discuss about Crime Prevention Program with Indian NGOs at Butterworth, SPU on 25-26th March 2018
A 2-Days Seminar on Family Development incorporating Meet and Discuss about Crime Prevention was organized by the Penang Indian Recreation Club and held at the Palm Inn Hotel, Butterworth, Seberang Perai Utara on 25th and 26th March 2018. MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran was invited to officiate and deliver a keynote address on Crime Prevention. The audience encompassed various Seberang Perai Indian NGOs, Parents and Students and the Press/Media. Encik Pitchay (Chairman of an Indian NGO) and Encik Segar were also present alongside MCPF Penang SLC Member Paramguru Balan Moghan. Selected poor, needy and academically brilliant Indian students were also recognized and rewarded by Dato’ K. Pulayantran.