
MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ log chalks up record 9,534 Hits in February 2018


MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log continued to rise to an all time Record High of 9,534 Hits in February 2018, thus breaking the previous highest level of 7,278 Hits by a massive 2,256 Hits. The Highest Single Day Number of Visitors also broke its previous record to chalk up a massive 779 Hits.

The continuation of this unprecedented performance has been largely due to our Website being linked to the upcoming 10th Asian Criminological Society Conference (June 2018) of which MCPF Penang has been invited as a collaborative partner with the organizers alongside USM Security Department. Much of the traffic on our website visits has come from the United States.

We anticipate this ‘phenomenal’ level to be sustained through at least the 1st Quarter in the run-up to 10th Asian Criminological society Conference.