Past Events

Western Digital plays its part in encouraging the availability and use of VSP


MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee Member cum Timur Laut District Liaison Committee Treasurer Tuan Joseph Sawaremuthu underlined his dedication and commitment to the cause of helping Penang citizens to be part and parcel of the Crime Awareness community when he led the efforts to organize a Crime Prevention Awareness talk at his work place in Western Digital on 20th February 2018. Around 300 Western Digital employees successfully downloaded the mobile application and got themselves registered with VSP.  It is MCPF Penang’s desire to continue its collaborative partnership with PDRM in its quest to reach over 100,000 VSP registrants in Penang. The efforts of Joseph Sawaremuthu ought to be emulated by all other MCPF Penang SLC and DLC members. Two thumbs up Tuan Joseph!