Past Events

2nd Organizing Committee Meeting for upcoming Penang Hospital Crime Prevention Event


As a follow up to its 1st Meeting on 4th January 2018, MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran chaired the Organizing Committee 2nd Meeting on 23rd January 2018 at Sri Ananda Bahwan Restaurant to discuss and finalize further details for the upcoming MCPF Penang and PDRM Penang Contingent Crime Prevention Event for the staff of the Penang Hospital. Supt. Tan Cheng San of JPJKK IPK, P. Pinang represented PDRM at this meeting. In attendance from Penang Hospital were Deputy Director Mr. Surentharan Mathavan and Security Officer Mr. Kannan Nagappan. MCPF Penang was also represented by its Vice-Chairman (II) Tuan Rosli Mohamed Ali and MCPF Penang SLC Members Maj. (H) M. Kaleessvaran, James Mohan and Johnny Michael Tan. Mr. Arumugam A/L Rajoo of Edgenta Mediserve Sdn. Bhd. – was also in attendance.

The focused event is targeting some 200 to 250 staff members of Penang Hospital. Staff from Edgenta Mediserve Sdn. Bhd and MCPF Penang Timur Laut District Liaison Committee Members will also be in attendance.