Past Events

25th MCPF AGM at Dewan Sultan Ahmad Shah


The 25th MCPF Annual General Meeting was held at Dewan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Maktab Polis Diraja Malaysia, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday 10th March 2018.  Preceding the AGM was a meeting for the outgoing MCPF EXCO as well as State Liaison Committee Chairmen accompanied by their respective Secretaries. MCPF Penang Chairman Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali and Secretary EL Ching were our ambassadors at this pre-AGM meeting where the unique / special publication of MCPF Penang 2017 Programs, Activities and Events were distributed to MCPF EXCO and SLC Chairmen.

MCPF Chairman YAB Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi highlighted that over 90 percent of DLCs had been established in 2017. He emphasized the important role that MCPF SLCs / DLCs played as ‘3rd Party Validators’ on Crime Prevention and Awareness working in cognizance in particular with PDRM and also other NGOs and Governmental Agencies. He underlined and urged MCPF to step up their efforts in Community Policing in 2018.

This 25th MCPF AGM also incorporated the Award Ceremony for the “Outstanding Balai Polis 2017” as identified in the four categories within the MCPF organized “Program Lawatan Balai Polis 2017”. Another significant agenda was the Elections of the MCPF EXCO Members for 2018-2020. MCPF Penang extends its heartiest congratulations to both Dato’ K. Pulayantran and Dato’ Ong Poh Eng on being 2 out of the 17 elected EXCO members for this upcoming tenure who successfully polled 165 and 138 votes respectively out of the high 321 MCPF Members in attendance.

The 25th MCPF AGM had an outstanding entourage from Penang in attendance. MCPF Penang SLC  was represented by Chairman Dato’ Syed Jaafar Syed Ali, Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran, Vice-Chairman (II) Rosli Mohamed Ali, Secretary EL Ching, Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen, Dato’ Ong Poh Eng, Felix Chuah Gim Chuan, Johnny Michael Tan, Choo Eng Hin, Paramguru Balan Moghan, Munusamy Muniandy and Yazid Razali. DLC Members in attendance included Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Jaafar, Ronald Cecil Aeria, Jimmy Choo Chin Nam and Kathiraveloo Thangiah. Rounding up this supportive entourage were MCPF (Ordinary) Members Thomas Lim Kok Wah, Lee Yew Keong, Leong Kin Weng, Thomas Goh, Abdul Jabar bin Abdul Aziz, Saleemul Hussain Vanusai Ibrahim and Mohamed Azmi Aboo Haniffa (who also threw in his candidacy for the MCPF EXCO election). MCPF Penang would like to express its sincere appreciation to all who were present traveling in one to the two groups or individually to this 25th MCPF AGM. Terima Kasih, Thank You, Xie Xie Nie and Nandri Vanikam!