Past Events

10th 2017 State Liaison Committee Meeting


MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee held its 10th Meeting for 2017 at Bilik Mesyuarat Cawangan Trafik, IPK Penang on 7th December 2017. Chairman Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali, expressed his sincere thanks to all SLC Members for their continuing support throughout 2017 in keeping MCPF Penang in the forefront of successful programs, events and activities amongst all MCPF SLCs of the various states of Malaysia.

Members present were briefed on the successful completion of MCPF Penang’s first School Program Educational package entitled “Say NO to Bullying!” This Quad-Lingual Package would be made available to be rolled out as available resource for all SLC / DLC Members collaborating with PDRM JPJKK and State Education Departments in 2018. Part 2 of  this Educational series on “Say NO to Drugs!” will be designed and developed within 1st Quarter 2018.

Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali also announced that two additional SLC Members had been identified to be invited to be part of our SLC – Encik Ridzuan Md Zain (more popularly known as Pak Wan) and Major Abdul Hamid (Rtd).